February 7, 2025


Inspiring Healthy Living

4 Simple Exercises For Gynecomastia!

4 Simple Exercises For Gynecomastia!

When people talking about how to get rid of gynecomastiya they usually mention pills, steroids or even surgery! I want to tell you that there is another way to lose your man boobs and it’s healthier, cheaper and 100{6fed281ec7a8abc92e2b781741b2370631fe85beacf5ac69d09adc3c180ad946} natural. I want to give you 4 simple chest you can do at the gym to burn your male breasts!

Push ups – well know exercise, works great on the chest area! You have the wide push ups and the narrow push ups! You should combine between them, 2 sets of narrow and 2 sets of wide push ups!

Bench press – lie down on your back on the bench, push the barbell up in the air and slowly return it down! You should really be careful and ask some to watch when you are performing this exercise!

Incline Flies – Sit on the incline bench at 45 degrees angle, one dumbbell in every hand. Slowly bring your hands up above you and then slowly return them down to the sides only until the shoulders level. Very hard and effective!

Seated chest press – you are sitting with your back against the machine and pushing the weights right out in front of you, then you slowly release and return it back. The effect of this exercise is pretty similar to the bench press’s effect!

But doing only the anaerobic training won’t give you the fast results you want! While you pumping up in the gym, you should also think about some aerobic training. It’s very hard to make your body burn fat really fast without doing some jogging, but if you are not the person that wants to run 2 miles, I have some alternatives for you!

Swimming – healthier and even more fun than jogging. Start from 300-500 distances.

Jump rope – boxers didn’t go wrong with this one. 20 minutes per day and you will see tremendous results.

Are you sick of this public humiliation? Want to find out how easily you can get rid of your man boobs without using any pills or going through the surgery? Click here to find out more!
