It is always nice to be complimented on your appearance, and “nice abs girl” is one of my favorites. This compliment shows an appreciation for my fitness and beauty, so how do I achieve it?
There are two parts to having compliment worthy abs: Having a body fat percentage below 16{6fed281ec7a8abc92e2b781741b2370631fe85beacf5ac69d09adc3c180ad946} – 19{6fed281ec7a8abc92e2b781741b2370631fe85beacf5ac69d09adc3c180ad946}, which is good news for girls – men have to get below 10{6fed281ec7a8abc92e2b781741b2370631fe85beacf5ac69d09adc3c180ad946} – 11{6fed281ec7a8abc92e2b781741b2370631fe85beacf5ac69d09adc3c180ad946}. You will also need to exercise your abs to get them fit and toned. So work on them both at the same time and you will soon be hearing the nice abs girl compliments.
Measuring Body Fat
To make sure you have the right levels of body fat you will need to measure your percentage body fat. There are two good methods available to most people: Using a bioelectrical impedance method or the skin fold caliper method.
Bioelectrical impedance – This method measures how well a small electrical charge goes through the body (don’t worry so small you won’t feel it!). Usually a special set of scales. You can buy them wherever scales are generally sold. They can be bought for less than $40. The scales can also be
found at most health and fitness centres.
Callipers – Essentially your skin is “pinched” and the thickness of that pinch is measured. It is far easier to let someone else do this measurement for you – instructors at your local gym will probably know how and have the relevant equipment. It is possible to buy a set of callipers yourself; they will come with instructions on how to use them and how to calculate your body fat percentage.
Reducing Body Fat
Fortunately exercise will help to tone your abs and to reduce body fat! But you will also need to eat a sensible diet. The main reason that people who work out well and yet don’t get that great six pack look is that they don’t eat well too.
I seems that every day a new revolutionary diet appears on the market, closely followed by celebrities who swear by it. But in the long term the best diet is one that includes a few processed foods as possible, and the only real way to consistently lose weight is to take in fewer calories than you expend.
So a good diet with low calories and few processed foods will soon lead to hearing “Nice abs girl!”
Toning your Abs
There are plenty of great exercises for toning the abs, but think for a minute – have you ever seen someone with great abs who doesn’t also have other great muscles? Our muscles all work together, and whilst you can exercise specific muscles, life will cause you to use muscle combinations most of the time. So work with your body, make most of your muscle exercises ones that work as many muscles as possible, this will help you with fat loss too as these type of exercise raise your metabolic rate. Then work on your abs (and any other problem areas).
There is much more to say on this subject! But these suggestions should get you well on the way to hearing “Nice Abs Girl!”
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