October 20, 2024


Inspiring Healthy Living

9 Stones to Help Get Your Ex Back As Fast As Possible

9 Stones to Help Get Your Ex Back As Fast As Possible

Are you tired from the same routine of waking up crying and going to bed in tears as well? Is to get your ex back, but you just don’t know how?

People will offer advice from keeping your distance or forgetting about the past. But there are other ways to help you get your ex back besides a long list of tips and steps. For now, let the stones or gems of love guide you in your quest to get your ex back.

1. Lapis Lazuli. The blue stone that portrays harmony and communication in a relationship. You need communication to make your relationship work. Otherwise, problems will just keep coming with no means to resolve them.

2. Jade. The stone that’s associated with balance and focus. To get your ex back you need to focus and be determined. Don’t concentrate on the negative or “what could have been”. Instead, set your mind to achieve “what will be”.

3. Rose Quartz. The pink stone that expresses compassion and compassion is what you need if you want to get back together with your ex. Be considerate of your ex’s feelings and needs. Don’t even assume for one minute that you’re the only one suffering from the breakup and therefore become bitter and hateful.

4. Hematite. A silver stone that is known to reduce stress. No matter how much you think your heart is breaking, you need to control your emotions. If what you’re feeling is all negative, then you surely can’t rely on your emotions to guide you.

5. Malachite. This green stone represents positive changes. To get your ex back, you need to let go of your past grudges. Don’t obsess about your mistakes. Learn from them, apologize for them then make the positive changes that are necessary to win back your love.

6. Obsidian. The glassy, black stone that portrays truth and honesty, two things that are vital in relationships. Truth and honesty builds trust, and so you need to prove that you are a trustworthy person to your ex. Start by apologizing for your mistakes and not making any excuses for them.

7. Sardonyx. This blue stone represents loyalty. To get your ex back, demonstrate your loyalty by being more than just a lover; you’re also a friend. Be there when they need you, someone to talk to and someone who’s not judgmental.

8. Tiger Eye. A beautiful stone of gold and brown that is known to symbolize patience. Patience is what you need to heal and give time for things to cool off between the two of you. Patience to wait for the right time to talk to your ex and not pester them with phone calls and messages.

9. Diamonds. The stone that represents strength, love and eternity. Being sad and depressed all the time won’t get your anywhere. Get your ex back by demonstrating your strength and confidence. Be the person they once knew and wants to be with once more.