July 26, 2024


Inspiring Healthy Living

Best Mage Leveling Spec 3.3 Edition

Best Mage Leveling Spec 3.3 Edition

Sometimes it can be hard to find up to date information for WoW, but don’t worry; this is the best mage leveling spec for 3.3, and when another patch comes out we’ll update again! This article will be using a Frost spec, as it is still the undisputed king until the highest levels, where Arcane becomes a competitive rival.

Improved Frostbolt – 5/5 – Literally MUST-HAVE

Ice Floes – 3/3 – Nova every pull!

Frostbite – 3/3 – Slower foes=more time killing them instead of kiting

Ice Shards – 3/3 – Part of our biggest ‘talent combo’

Permafrost – 3/3 – Nice when it procs, especially when we have Shatter+Icy Shards

Icy Veins – 1/1 – Use it often, don’t let it sit unused

Arctic Reach – 2/2 – Same effect as snares; less time you need to kite

Frost Channeling – 3/3 – A bit more mana efficiency is nice

Shatter – 3/3 – Turns your damage from meh to awesome; rooted foes will almost definitely get critted, which means massive damage thanks to Icy Shards

Cold Snap – 1/1 – Great for all sorts of special situations and emergencies

Cold as Ice – 2/2 – Nice to get cooldowns more often!

Winter’s Chill – 3/3 – More damage

Ice Barrier – 1/1 – Don’t use it unless you need to, it wastes mana

Shattered Barrier – 2/2 – Turns Ice Barrier into Frost Nova 2.0

Arctic Winds – 1/5 – Filler point

Empowered Frostbolt – 2/2 – More Frostbolts, stronger Frostbolts!

Fingers of Frost – 2/2 – Even more chances to Shatter opponents!

Brain Freeze – 3/3 – Save some mana, and if you’re smart kite while you cast it!

Summon Water Elemental – 1/1 – Turns mage into one of the strongest leveling classes. Get Glyph of Eternal Water for leveling.

Enduring Winter – 3/3 – Replenishment is amazing for a mage; Int is worth having now

Chilled to the Bone – 3/5 – OK but don’t bother finishing it

Deep Freeze – 1/1 – A stun that activates Shatter for the duration. Awesome.

After Deep Freeze, move to Arcane for some survivability and utility talents, and a bit damage buff at the end:

Arcane Subtlety – 2/2

Arcane Focus – 3/3

Arcane Fortitude – 3/3

Magic Absorption – 2/2

Magic Attunement – 2/2

Spell Impact – 3/3

Improved Counterspell – 2/2

Torment the Weak – 3/3

Remember, time spent regening health and mana is just as wasted as time killing mobs; that’s why Frost beats out Fire and Arcane for leveling, so play smart!

Frost playstyle is simple for single targets: Frostbolt until you need to Nova and get some room, then Frostbolt some more. Despite the easy basic style, skilled players will find that Frost is actually the most skill-rewarding spec in the game at a high playing level!

There you have it; the best mage leveling spec for 3.3! Be sure to check back for a new article next patch, and have fun until then.