October 18, 2024


Inspiring Healthy Living

Six Pack Abs in Two Weeks

Six Pack Abs in Two Weeks

Getting a six pack abs is a Holy Grail sought for most of a fitness enthusiast. And imagine then what is getting six pack abs in two weeks, mission impossible for majority of the people but not for me. If you perform right exercise with the right diet program it can be done. I will explain how in this article.

Abdominals are same as sculpture, and all we need to do is remove fat layer and this is it. Like a sculpture, you just oblique it, it’s already inside the stone.

For do this you need to be mentally well prepared because workout to get them visible in two weeks is not an easy job. It takes a lot of grid, hard work and patience to get those ripped and well cut abs. This process can be speed up if you are already into exercising and your body is used to tolerate a strenuous abdominal workout routine.

Like I told before, abdominals are already bellow your belly fat and all you need to do is eliminated that fat. The fastest way to do this is eliminate all foods from the diet which cause weight gain such refined foods, fatty foods, junk foods, fried foods and alcohol. In your diet you must include healthy foods such seeds, low fat diary foods, beans and nuts, lean meat, vegetables, fruits and fish.

Start to eat more proteins and decrease the foods contain carbohydrates. Don’t eat huge meals three times a day; spread it into 6-7 smaller meals during the day because our bodies burn calories in order to digest it. And if proteins are included in each of this small meals, body’s metabolism will rise high and you will feel more powerful, energized.

The proper diet plan can help you to burn more calories and keep your energy level high what are needed to carry out your abs power workout.

You want to get your six pack abs in two weeks? Your healthy diet should be mixed with adequate amount of water intake. Water helps in reducing hunger, hydrating the body and flushing out the toxins.

Mental preparation we done, also the diet plan and now we come to the hardest part for somebody, abs workout, the power workout. You want six pack abs in two weeks, remember!

Getting abs in two weeks is not overnight job and in order to accomplish our mission and hit the goal we need a high intensity of cardiovascular exercise routine along with abdominal exercise. Cardio exercise help the body in shedding fat from all over, including your abdomen part need to be performed on alternate days, three times in a week (three days in the week).

Most effective cardiovascular exercise and most performed by the fitness trainer are swimming, jogging and running. Jogging and running are quite effective in fast burning fats from your body.

Perform three days cardiovascular exercise and on the remaining days target directly your abdominals with powerful abdominal exercise.

Develop six pack abs in two weeks its not so difficult and it can be done if you are stick to the low fat diet plan and if you are able to perform high intense abdominal and cardiovascular exercise.

Only if you have mental straight and physical stamina to carry on with such a powerful abdominal workout routine you will get six pack abs in two weeks.